Our story unfolds in a most unusual art gallery where empty frames suddenly spring into life portraying erotic tableaux. Bruce and Jenny get locked in after closing time and the guard takes them on a special tour. As they watch, each scene becomes more astonishing than the last, with couples in fetish gear, body jewelry and white hairpieces. A dominatrix on a gantry dripping hot wax on her slaves below, anal sex, toe licking, spitting, wet sex, sucking, screwing and double penetration, it's all here for the visitor and for your enjoyment.
Pirate Fetish Machine 9: No Job No Blow
Red hot sex just doesn't seem to be compatible......
Pirate Fetish Machine 13: Trust No One
Susi Medusa Gottardi takes you on a journey to......
Fetish Recall: Fact or Friction
Can you draw the line between fantasy and......