If there was any question about black girls being delicious, we think the proof's in the pretty ladies on the cover. Just look at those asses. Rich, firm, and jutting like the prow of an elegant schooner from maritime lore. Why, any sailor worth his salt would be proud to have a whiff between those cheeks. They say you can smell land for miles out to sea. That there's something about the intoxicating aroma. We guarantee that once you crack open this little DVD package filled with girls just like out lovely cover ladies, you're going to be in for something just as... delicious.
Kick Ass Chicks 50: Nerdy Girls
NERDY GIRLS NEED COCK TOO. As it turns out,......
Kick Ass Chicks 34: Big White Butts
And here you thought only black girls had big......
Kick Ass Chicks 93: Sexy She-Males
If you`ve got a beautiful woman at home with a......
Kick Ass Chicks 95: Really Red
For centuries, learned men and philosophers......